Post 4

Actually I have more than one favorite food, most of them are what my grandmother makes, she cooks very well I am not going to lie to you. although there is one of them that stands out among the others, not much but it stands out. those are lentils, for God I love lentil
Although I do not like these with much juice, I prefer them more dry, I hope you understand the type of preparation I mean, but they are very

Lentil is a food with a high concentration of nutrients. Carbohydrates are the most abundant and are composed mainly of starch. Its vegetable proteins, although in good quantity, are incomplete, since they are deficient in methionine (essential amino acid). However, if lentils are combined with cereals such as rice, foods rich in said amino acid, they become proteins of high biological value, comparable to those provided by foods of animal origin. The lipid content is very low. The fiber contribution, although important, is also lower than that of other legumes.

I have seen that they are very often made in pressure cookers, but they can also be prepared in normal pots, although they will clearly have a different taste.
Like most legumes, these are left to rest in water, and then put into the pot, one can add whatever you like, in my case I add rice, some people like my mother, throw a fried egg on top of these.

I like them a lot because it reminds me of my childhood, when I went to where my grandmother almost always had lentils, and now that I am grown they rarely do xd, but more than nostalgia, I find them very tasty, if they have not tried them, they should

As I said before, they are very nutritious if combined with a variety of foods, I am a person who does not care much about taste, but that they are healthy, therefore, lentils positively affect my health.


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