
Post 7

 I was eating my head for a long time to say who I admire, I came to the conclusion that I admire a character from a series "how i met your mother", and that character is Ted Mosby. Although this series is old, I will have to do a I admire this character because he never gave up, throughout the series he suffers disappointment after disappointment, they leave him on the altar, he is hit by a goat They leave him in the friendzone and many other misfortunes, but he kept going, until when fate told him that he had to surrender, he gave up and moved on, facing all evils and getting ahead. Ted Mosby is an architect who lives in New York with his friends, being an architect he designs buildings for companies and companies, or simply people who ask him and have the resources to pay for it. like I said before, Ted is an architect who lives with his friends, Marshall and Lily besides the two of them, there are also Robin and Barney Ted is a character with whom one can empathize with a

Post 6

 My chemical and pharmacy career is based on helping people, with the creation of medicines, providing adequate and clear care to the patient, alleviating discomfort, among others. It basically helps people with health problems. I personally see myself prepared to face the situations that will come to me in the future, and being able to overcome each of them, providing a better quality, both of care and health, to patients, also helping doctors to choose the appropriate medications for the patient, this is in the clinical area. my career specializes in helping people, that contributes positively to the population of the world. Also in the clinical area, he is in charge of advising the doctor about the medications that the patient needs, checking if they generate an alternate reaction, any problem and even see the amount so that these are not harmful when providing them to the patient.

Post 5

An image that I like a lot and sometimes I look at it for inspiration is the following: this image is a fragment of the movie "Avengers endgame", when Thanos knocks out Ironman and Thor, leaving only Captain America standing. I like this photo because even wounded, Captain America was willing to fight alone to defend humanity and the entire universe, it seems to me simply epic. This photo gives me the meaning that you never have to give up, even if there are all the chances of losing, you always have to face problems, without hesitation. I am interested in this image because, first: I like Captain America, second: I liked the movie "Avengers endgame", and third: it gives me an internal emotion, I don't know how to explain it but it seems to me simply incredible. it would be spoiler to tell about the plot, so I must make a spoiler alert well, after the Hulk snaps his fingers wishing all the vanished would come back to life, Thanos from the past makes his appearan

Post 4

Actually I have more than one favorite food, most of them are what my grandmother makes, she cooks very well I am not going to lie to you. although there is one of them that stands out among the others, not much but it stands out. those are lentils, for God I love lentil Although I do not like these with much juice, I prefer them more dry, I hope you understand the type of preparation I mean, but they are very Lentil is a food with a high concentration of nutrients. Carbohydrates are the most abundant and are composed mainly of starch. Its vegetable proteins, although in good quantity, are incomplete, since they are deficient in methionine (essential amino acid). However, if lentils are combined with cereals such as rice, foods rich in said amino acid, they become proteins of high biological value, comparable to those provided by foods of animal origin. The lipid content is very low. The fiber contribution, although important, is also lower than that of other legumes. I have seen that

Post 3

  It is very difficult to choose just one, since when thinking about it many come to mind, but I decided that my favorite piece of technology is the PS4 This is my favorite because it can do many things, you can get distracted if you have a bad day, if you want to watch a movie you can put Netflix or some other streaming platforms, if you want to watch videos just put Youtube. I use it to play video games, watch videos, movies and communicate with my friends. It is easy to use, not very complicated, it is plugged into the power and you turn it on, it is very intuitive and difficult to get lost, one of the things I don't like about the PS4 is that you have to pay to play online, in order to play you must subscribe paying monthly or annually, there are people who cannot afford that, and it is very cool to play with friends, so being prevented from doing so It is very unpleasant. It affects in a positive way, as I said before it helps me to distract myself from a bad day, honestly bei

Post 2

When I was a child I liked to imagine that I was Captain America and that he saved people, it is not a real job, but I was Captain America. Another career that I applied was medicine at this same university. The reason why I chose this career was to because I did not quialify for medicine. My university experience is great, i haven't cried for It yet, really amazing. I would like to have a job that pays well and Its entertaining, with flexible hours to take care of my animals.  

Post : 1

 Hello my name is Felipe Sepúlveda Silva i´m from Santiago, currently I live in Lo Prado  an apartament, I´m 19 years old, my next birthday is on 3rd of may. I study chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Chile, It´s my first university years. Well my favorite hobby Is doing exercise and play with my cats, it´s so dificculty because they beat and scratch, but it doesn't matter because i love them, i like watch movies and series from netflix, amazon prime, and other plataforms to watch them. More than movies, i like the cinema, its so peacefull and silent. And finally i love animals, my favorite animal is the wolf it is very cute. I have a mother, father and one brother, also i have 3 cats. I don´t like my hometown because it´s so dangerous, I wold like to escape from Latin America.